Siima Sabiti to throw “The Wedding of the Year” this Friday
If you have seen the hash tag, ThekaBernzWedding, then you know exactly what we are talking about. Former XFM Radio presenter, Siima Sabiti is getting married, in an event, which many are already calling the Wedding of the Year.
There are many more interesting facts about this event. To attend, you have to pay a fee of 20k, or 30k, depending on which time around 7pm you will be available. So far, the big names from various industries, be it fashion, media, food and photography, have confirmed their presence, and some of our favorite companies have made their contributions towards the wedding.

“On Friday 26th October, Bernard and I will be hosting our wedding party. You’re all invited! All proceeds will go towards Lulu’s Go Fund Me” the 38 year old beauty shared.
Lulu Jemimah, an Oxford student a few weeks ago broke the internet. She shared that she would get married to herself, because she is worn out from her parent’s pressure. The wedding will help support her to complete her studies and achieve her dreams. What do you think?